On behalf of DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS), which is responsible for air traffic control in Germany, MeteoSolutions GmbH developed a GRIB data converter for operational applications.
When the German national meteorological service (DWD) switched to using the GRIB2 format as standard to provide clients with data, the wind, temperature and pressure data DFS was previously provided with in a GRIB1 format (WTQ data) also had to be converted. However, due to the operating conditions, the operational systems used at DFS requiring the meteorological data could not be adapted at short notice. The DWD’s solution was to temporarily make the WTQ data available in an interim GRIB1 format. This format was then converted into the original GRIB1 format using the GRIBCon data converter that MeteoSolutions GmbH was commissioned to develop centrally for all DFS systems. Within this, it was particularly important to accurately reproduce the structure of the GRIB1 format used to date down to the last byte.
MeteoSolutions GmbH made the requested data converter available to DFS within a short time in the usual high quality. The software corresponds with criticality level IV defined at DFS in line with the software assurance levels (SWAL) pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 482/2008. Since the first test installation at DFS at the end of June 2012, the system has operated without any malfunctions and has been used by DFS in daily operations for the duration of the interim period.